Guemes Island Ferry Haul-Out, Passenger Only Service to Begin March 15th

The next scheduled haul-out of the Guemes Island ferry will be March 15 through April 29, 2025. The Board of Skagit County Commissioners signed Resolution R20240249 on November 25, 2024 awarding the haul-out bid to Nichols Brothers Boat Builders for $1,629,837.95. 
The final car ferry sailing to Guemes Island will depart Anacortes at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, March 14th with return service to Anacortes approximately eight minutes later. Passenger-only service will begin at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 15th. There will be no late ferry service after 8:30 p.m. on Friday, March 14th. This is to allow for time to transition to passenger-only service and load supplies to ready the vessel to head to drydock at Nichols Brothers in Freeland, WA.
Work items for the haul-out are scheduled to include spot painting of the hull, house, bulwarks, void spaces, and car deck, routine service on all major equipment, stripping and cleaning of fuel tanks, other minor repairs and maintenance items, and completion of the United States Coast Guard (USCG) dry dock credit. Additionally, new modern engines will be installed on the ferry to improve operational efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. 
The vessel's USCG Certificate of Inspection (COI) requires the vessel to be hauled out every two years at a minimum with the next dry dock credit due March 31, 2025. The last dry dock period was completed in March 2023. 
Passenger-Only Service
During the haul-out, Arrow Launch will provide passenger-only ferry service between the regular ferry docks in Anacortes and on Guemes Island. The foot ferry will operate on the same sailing schedule (non-peak) as the regular car ferry. Schedules and fares can be found HERE.
The passenger vessel, the Strait Arrow, can accommodate up to 49 passengers, bicycles and small motorcycles on a space-available basis at the captain’s discretion. All pets shall always be on leash or in a crate/kennel. Wheelchairs will be available for those who require assistance. If you’d like to call our office in advance, please dial (360) 293-6433.
Skagit Transit Shuttle Information
Skagit Transit will provide a shuttle service during the haul-out. More information including the schedule and cost can be found HERE.
Parking Information
For your convenience, the Guemes Island Ferry offers 3 parking lots: two are located in Anacortes and one is on Guemes Island just north of the ferry terminal. Parking is free in any of our lots, or you may park on city streets. Please pay attention to signage in the area indicating no parking or permit-only parking. Unless otherwise posted, the time limit is 72 hours. If you have questions about parking on city streets, please contact the City of Anacortes.
Please obey all traffic laws and do not leave any valuables in your vehicle. If you choose to park in county parking lots, you are doing so at your own risk. If you only need to leave the island once per week or a couple of times during the haul-out, we recommend making other arrangements to avoid leaving your vehicle long-term.
Guemes Island Ferry: 2025 Haul-Out FAQs
When is the drydock?
The haul out is scheduled for Saturday, March 15 through April 29, 2025. During this time, the car ferry will be out of service, and passenger-only service will be available.
What is the last run the Guemes Island Ferry will do before going out of service?
The last vehicle ferry run will be 8:30 p.m. Friday, March 14. Passenger-only service will begin at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 15. There will be no late-night ferry service after 8:30 p.m. on Friday, March 14. This is to allow time for the ferry to prepare to transition to passenger-only service and load supplies to ready the vessel to head to the drydock at Nichols Brothers Boat Builders in Freeland, WA.
Where do I catch the passenger-only boat?
You’ll catch the passenger-only boat at the same Ferry Dock location – 500 I Avenue, Anacortes. Passenger-only service will be provided by Arrow Launch. The 49- passenger vessel, Strait Arrow, will operate on a first-come, first-served basis, and will operate on the non-peak Guemes Island Ferry schedule; reservations are not accepted.
Is there a charge for the passenger-only service?
Yes. Walk-on fares will be charged in accordance with the ferry’s non-peak fare schedule which can be found at
What is the sailing schedule for passenger-only service?
The ferry will operate on its non-peak sailing schedule: Monday through Thursday, 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The schedule is available online at
Can I bring my bicycle or motorcycle onboard the passenger boat?
The passenger-only boat can accommodate bicycles. Small motorbikes and motorcycles will be allowed on a space-available basis at the captain’s discretion.
What if I need to get my vehicle on or off the Island during the ferry shut down?
If you need to transport a vehicle between Anacortes and Guemes Island during the ferry haul-out, you will need to make your own arrangements.
When is the Guemes Island Ferry scheduled to resume service?
The vehicle ferry is scheduled to resume service at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30. Please visit for any updates to this information.
What should I do if there is an emergency?
If you have an emergency, dial 911 right away. For more information on emergency services, please contact your local fire department.
If I want to talk to someone about the ferry outage, who do I contact?
Please contact: Rachel Rowe, Ferry Operations Division Manager
Phone: (360) 293-6433